Hard to describe what this is. Just go there and explore. Thanks Steve for the link.


Make sure you click on the ‘tour’ button to get the full experience.



Last week at TED, Deb Roy, a cognitive scientist from the MIT Media Lab, demonstrated a technology he and his team have developed which tracked his baby son’s verbal development from the moment he arrived at their apartment – years of visual and auditory data. Not just from a camera sitting in the living room either – every room in his home had a camera. To fully appreciate what Roy has done you need to watch his demonstration. His TED Talk won’t be published for a bit, but this demonstration he did in 2009 gives a very good overview of this amazing research.

Amazing to look back on Apple’s decision to ‘enter’ the music business.

This coming week I am fortunate to be attending TED Active. This will be my second TED and I’m greatly anticipating another amazing experience. I just came upon this Charlie Rose interview of Chris Anderson, Curator of the TED Conference. It is a very good summary of TED and why I am personally so passionate about TED’s mission; The spreading of ideas.

Charlie Rose: A conversation with Chris Anderson.

This company, under contract from DARPA, has successfully developed a robot hummingbird.

Check out the video of this amazing machine here:


The Google Chrome Ad is great, until you realize how brilliant it is. Then it is AMAZINGLY great. Having Jeff Hawkins’ TED Talk under your belt will help you fully appreciate it.

Every once in a while you stumble across a true gem on the internet. For fans of the Beatles and McCartney – what a treat.

Celebrating the Music of Paul McCartney   –  In Performance at The White House   –   PBS Video






From Artist Stanford Kay.

My daughter on iPad release day.

What happens when someone turns a passion into a business?

How do you define expectation? Bobby McFerrin has a nice way of ‘showing’ you in this clip.


TEDxTC Square LogoRecently the TED Organization created a new program called TEDx – an independently operated TED event. These local events are intended to encourage groups of TED enthusiast to gather, watch, and in some cases present new live talks in the spirit of the TED Conference.

A small group of friends have gotten together to organize a TEDx event for the Minneapolis and St. Paul area. If you are interested in participating in this event, visit the Facebook Fan Page for TEDxTC or follow it on Twitter here.

Bruce Sterling gave a very tough but I think accurate assessment of ‘the future’ in this LIFT Conference keynote.

WolframAlphaWolfram Science announced a new tool last week that is worth noting.  The tool, based on Steven Wolfram’s research and life’s work, New Kind of Science (NKS), is truly remarkable.  Give it a look and see how you can incorporate it into your personal toolbox.


Imagine living free from oil.

Picture zero-emission electric cars running on a clean energy grid. Governments, auto makers, energy companies and Better Place work hand-in-hand to make this happen. The result: our people and our planet prosper together.

This is more than a vision. It’s something Better Place and its partners are already building.

Check out their website here.

And an amazing TED Talk on the subject here.

Ignite is an organization (in multiple cities) that brings together interesting speakers to present on pretty much any topic, but they only have 5 minutes and 20 slides to do so.  That’s 15 seconds for every slide.  Sounds tough, but probably the best way to get an idea across.  Here is a presentation on how to buy a new car.

This short YouTube video does an excellent job showing how ‘perspective’ can completely change the message.


boxee_logo1If you are looking for a way to integrate how you view media on your computer (especially if your main TV viewing experience is via a computer) check out what the folks at Boxee have done.  Boxee creates a true ‘entertainment experience’ by integrating steaming content, and local movie, music and pictures – all under a beautifully done user interface.

As an added bonus, they have just released an iPhone/iPod Touch application to control all of your media with an amazingly simple touch control interface.

I think Google Book Search is an under-utilized resource.  There are thousands and thousands of books and magazines from a huge assortment of subjects available for free.  It takes a bit of time to get the most from the current interface as there really is no ‘browse’ feature like you would experience at a library or a magazine rack. But if you do have an idea of what you are looking for, using the advanced search feature will bring you options very quickly.  I found issues of magazines that I used to subscribe to that are now fully online for free – and searchable.  Check it out here.

As an example, you can read past issues of Dwell magazine here for free.

Every once in a while you see a piece of software that makes you say ‘wow.’ Well I came across a new media viewer from Cool Iris today that simply blew me away. Finding videos or pictures using the standard views of sites like YouTube and Flickr are similar to the way we have been browsing for files on our computers for years. Lists of small thumbnails, scrolling up and down, using ‘next page’ buttons at the bottom, just get in the way of what we are trying to find. This new way of visualizing content surely is a better way.

Give Cool Iris a try here.

This is a very well done summary of what is happening with our financial world at the moment. It is a bit ‘sesame street’ at first, but I think captures the main points in a great way.

This clip of Benjamin Zander on PBS Now covers some important points about leadership, passion, and the art of possibility.

May 2024

old musings